6 events found.
City Council Meeting
City Hall 140 East Walnut Ave, Genesee, IdahoPlanning and Zoning Public Hearing
Public Hearing – Variance Permit – 125 W Ash, City Hall
Clothing Swap
All are welcome to shop the Genesee Community Clothing Swap. Genesee School - Multi Purpose room - Friday, November 8th & Saturday, November 9th, 9:00am - 7:30pm DONATIONS ACCEPTED: We're accepting donations for the clothing swap at the school during regular school hours from October 30th to November 6th. If these time don't work, you…
First Responder Appreciation
At 2:30 we welcome our First Responders, present & past, Genesee Farmers/Firefighters, McGregor Co., and other supporters. Let's come together to celebrate and honor those who server our community! Genesee Community Fire Hall - November 10 - General Public 3-5pm