Employment Opportunities
City Clerk/Treasurer
Job Description: The City Clerk performs all billing, bookkeeping, customer inquiries, preparing for and recording council meetings, records management, city cemetery deed issuance and record keeping, payroll and HR, licensing, and much more.
To view full job description click here
Maintenance Technician
Job Description: The City is seeking a maintenance worker to perform a variety of duties in construction including:
- Maintenance
- Animal control
- Repair and operation of City parks, grounds, and buildings
- Street maintenance
- Water system
- Wastewater facilities
To view full job description click here
Contact City Hall by phone: 208-285-1621, email: [email protected], or in person to request an employment application. Please submit a resume and cover letter with your application.
Or for online application go to https://cityofgenesee.com/government-city/employment/ and fill out an application.